Restaurant Website Mockup

This is a concept I created for a restaurant website. I wanted to emphasize the client’s brand identity and personality as described in the text in a clean, welcoming way, focusing on a homey and somewhat handmade quality in the colors and the logo.

  • A mockup of the Home page. The header and footer are both dark blue. The header contains the logo, an image of a fire in a fireplace that replaces the opening with a pie crust and the text "The Fireplace", as well as the navigation buttons, a search icon, and an account icon. The footer contains a navigation menu and social icons. The body of the page contains a hero image with a photo of food and the text "The Fireplace; Not just a restaurant, but a family", and some sample text and images summarizing the restaurant and its different locations.
  • A mockup of the Menu page. The header and footer layout are the same as the Home page. The body contains text listing sample menu items.
  • A mockup of the Catering page. The header and footer layout are the same as the Home page. The body contains sample text and a contact form.
  • A mockup of the About page. The header and footer layout are the same as the Home page. The body contains a sample biography and image of the founder.
  • A mobile version of the Home page.
  • A mobile version of the Menu page.
  • A mobile version of the Catering page.
  • A mobile version of the About page.